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Socratic Seminar Grading Rubric.

  1. Student spoke several times throughout the discussion, offered thoughtful, relevant commentary, and was civil to their peers.
  2. Student spoke up a couple of times during the discussion and was civil to their peers.
  3. Student did not speak much during the discussion or parroted other�s thoughts and did not listen to/was neglectful toward their peers.
  4. Student did not offer any commentary during the discussion and was rude to their peers.

  1. Paragraph flows smoothly; it has a clear topic sentence and sufficient support to follow with clean, logical organization.
  2. Paragraph mostly flows smoothly with only a couple awkward points; it has a clear topic sentence, and support is generally organized logically.
  3. Paragraph is a bit awkward but still makes sense overall; organization is somewhat messy.
  4. Paragraph the flow is very awkward/confusing; the topic sentence is unclear, and organization is illogical.

  1. Student provides ample textual support, citing several specific examples from one or more of the myths discussed.
  2. Student provides good textual support, citing at least one specific example from the myths discussed.
  3. Student provides decent textual support, referencing one or more of the myths discussed but never citing a specific example.
  4. Student provides poor textual support, discussing the myths in passing but never citing an example and barely showing any understanding of the myths discussed.

  1. Grammar is excellent with only 0-3 mistakes.
  2. Grammar is very good with only 4-6 mistakes.
  3. Grammar is decent with 6-9 mistakes.
  4. Grammar is very poor, with 10 or more mistakes.

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